Monday, May 17, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Easter with the cousins 2010.

No introduction required.

Playing old games.

Luca keeps going back and forth between His newest toys and the ones He's had pretty much since He was a baby.
This is one of those old and almost forgotten ones which has been granted a longer stay in His room

Good relations with the Wookiees, I have.

A couple of months ago Luca started getting into Star Wars His mother is beside herself with joy(If you know Her, do I even need to mention this? hahaha)so you will be seeing a lot of it around here for a while.
Here's a couple of stills from one of our Jedi battles.
He always wants to be the good Jedi.
Very handy with the light saber He is.

Sunrise in San Francisco.

Shot from the top of Lombard Street, America's crookedest street.

Not so happy neighborhood walk.

Some time ago, I decided to take a stroll around the block to conduct an "undercover investigation" and asked Luca to come along.
The gentleman is very particular about how He does things and did not want to do it the way I wanted to.
I kinda forced Him to do it and as You will see on the pictures(I always make sure to have evidence so I can embarrass Him in the future ha ha)His face demonstrates how upset He was about this arrangement.