Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Surrealist master.

I got one of his pieces for really cheap!
I only paid $1.25, He turned that into a maleta (Ice cream bar)
I still feel i ripped him off.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Y hoy por fin... Paso. (v5.8)

Lo esperamos/
Mas o menos desde que tenias 1 semana de tenerte en casa./
Hoy por fin, llego el tan anunciado temblor/
Este tan esperado temblor es responsable, de que no durmieras mas solo/
Hoy por fin, se dejo sentir/
Creo que es justo, que te vayas a dormir a tu cama pero a partir de ya mismo/

despues de tratar inutilmente de saber si estabas bien/
Cuando recien me habia dado por vencido, Katy por fin llamo, y dijo: Todo esta bien../
Andres y Manu sintieron miedo, Sebastian durmio aun mas profundo/
Luca?., No se dejo interrumpir(Hasta te puedo imaginar saltando y muerto de risa)/
Esos son hombres carajo!!
Aun asi./

Creo que es justo, que te vayas a dormir a tu cama pero a partir de ya mismo/

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lo mas profundo que escuche en los ultimos años.

La envidia es como un puñal
A quien se lo voy a clavar?
(Fangoria-"Criticar por criticar")

Itunes plays "underwear" - Pulp

Just in case you ever wondered.

And he likes his papitas with lots of wok.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

First movie date.

You and I went to the movies yesterday(it was your fist time)
I thought we were gonna have a hard time, but you actually behaved for the first time hahaha.
We watched "Thomas' great discovery" by the way.
I liked it, I know you did.

The Kinks' "Plastic Man" is playing.

Lucas celebrated his 4th birthday.

Couple things have happened since the last time I posted anything Luca.
We took him to Travel town Museum for his birthday, Going there is always a winner with him.

 He gets to ride the little train a couple of times, gets onto and off of real old steamers and pretends to be the conductor. Every now and then he will say something like:
"The conductor applied the brakes, but it was too late". hahah
So he had cake, broke a piñata, got to eat some candy and overall looked really cool.

Itunes plays: "Crucigramas" By GIT.

Lo bueno...

...De vivir donde me todo vivir/es que se puede ser un pendejo de 17 años/

Itunes plays: "Alone again or.." By Love.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Found this finally.

Tengo hasta ahi, oh.

Rest stop in Vermont.

Rest stops near the Canadian border are a world apart from those in the southern part of the country.

I guess if you look a certain way (Brown and not very tall)
You don't need clean restrooms(you'll pee in the bushes),
souvenirs(you're coming into this country to make money, not spend it),
maps(you'll find your way even in the dark),
or a nice place to sit and relax a little while(no time to waste, you need to find a job as soon as possible so you can send your family the cash so they won't starve).

Ah! the "american" way of thinking.

I Should have been a hobo.

Plum Island, Massachusetts.

Harvard University.

Harvard University.

Lucas is vandalizing Canada.

Go ouest young man.

Going places is one of the things I enjoy the most in life.
I believe you should go everywhere you ever wanted to go when you were a little kid,even if you end up broke. so far, my list is getting shorter and shorter.
I like that.