Friday, January 30, 2009

Classic Rock Fridays.

Esta Cancion es tan, tan cercana a la perfeccion que aun despues de ser interpretada en distintas versiones por innumerable numero de solistas, trios, bandas, etc..
Nadie, absolutamente nadie incluyendo a Pablo(Oh mama, ella me ha besado)Ruiz, ha sido capaz de arruinarla.
A falta de la version de Amparo Ochoa, Sombrerilandia les deja con esta version no menos hermosa.

Feliz Viernes de clasicos.

Discover Inti-illimani!

Inti-Illimani - Malaguena Salerosa.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Classic Rock Fridays.

I'm really obssesed over this song but even more, over the artwork for it.
I want to know where it came from, I got the feeling I've seen that face before.

Discover The Moody Blues!

The Moody Blues - "The story in your eyes".

Forever more mama.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20th, 2009.

Hopefully they'll let the guy do his job.
Let's see how it turns out.
Art by El Sanchez

Monday, January 19, 2009

Christmas 08

Lucas radish boy.


Friday, January 16, 2009