Here's another story to embarrass Luca when He's older.
Last year the Luca and I where left alone for a week, one whole week!
So as usual We did manly stuff like eat crappy fast food and not take baths.
One day after work I picked Him up and asked if He wanted Chicken and fries which at the time where two of His favorite things to eat.
We made our way to this Chicken place, got our groove on and started making our way home. I knew there was a Target (one of His favorites) nearby but was hoping He would not want to go but alas! He did not miss the opportunity and made me go.
So we drive across the street, park and go in.
He immediately makes His was through the store and finds the Toy section, looks around for about 5 minutes and decides I guess, there is nothing He really wants because, They don't have any new trains so He starts going through the aisles.
At this point I'm actually relieved and think We're leaving the store without buying anything, Mistake!
He finds this ugly Dora the explorer car thing (I honestly don't know what to call the thing) and decides He wants it.
Tried to ignore the request for a few minutes but it didn't work Luca kept dragging it everywhere He went.
I tried getting Him to get another car, something Which would go more with our macho selves, but every time I picked one He pushed it away and said:" This one Daddy, come on"., and obviously, He won.
So for about a year We've had this Girl toy from a show He doesn't even watch, but that's my son and yes.....
...I'm a pushover.
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