Don't Talk To Me Criminal!
To His Aunt Liza when She told Him and His Cousins They needed to stop playing.
Are You calling Me A Coward?, Only Mommy Calls Me A coward!
I don't remember exactly what I was saying to Him that brought this one up, but I'm pretty sure I was telling Him He had to eat dinner if He wanted to watch The Transformers Generation 1 at 9.
Si quieres aprender, tienes que prestar atencion!
(If You want to learn, you need to pay attention!)
To His Aunt Katy in His really bad Spanish(Not my Fault!).
Don't talk to me like that Daddy!(Pointing His finger at me)
After I told Him, Santa was not going to bring Him Night watch Optimus Prime unless He did His homework and was a good boy.
This looks like a good place to kick it!
To Aunt Brenda after she said; Hey Lucas, let's watch TV in the Room.
Yo Soy El Sheriff.
To Grandpa the day He(Lucas) decided to wear His Cowboy Boots and Hat after getting out of bed(late for Him)wearing His Woody(Toy Story)Pajamas.
I already miss that little dude.
About His Cousin Manuel(As of late, His preferred Wii Playing partner)
There are lots more, I will add as I remember them.
Added 1/3/2011
Nobody can defeat me with my strong muscles.
Relax Buddy, I got your back.
Happy New Year to Us.
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