Friday, August 29, 2008

Me mintieron toda la vida.(Extra largo)

Los monjes Hare Krishna siempre llamaron mi atencion.
me parecia re divertida la idea de pasarsela llendo de un lugar a otro bailando y cantando la misma cancion (The Maha Mantra) todo el tiempo.
Hasta aca todo genial.
Lo que nunca me hizo gracia fue, en primer lugar:
La idea de una vida austera aunque, el habito y sus colores hicieron que mas de una vez pensara:
“Y teniendo ese traje quien necesita mas?”
Aun pensando esto, Siempre llegue a la misma conclusion:
A mi el capitalismo me va mas que ninguna otra filosofia habida y por haber.

En segundo lugar.(acaso mil veces mas importante que la austeridad)
El celibato y el no poder tener descendencia. Siempre supe mi obligacion de ayudar a traer alguien al mundo.
Ese alguien, seria la persona perfecta a quien contarle historias super fantasticas acerca de mi infancia y, eterna adolescencia.
De esa necesidad inmensa de mentirle a alguien nacio Lucas.

Hace un par de años, me cruce con un grupo de los arriba mencionados monjes y, para mi desconsuelo veo con ellos; dos o tres chicos de entre 4 y 7 años aproximadamente.
Estos infantes estaban vestidos con uniforme reglamentario y demas.
Esto obviamente, me obligo a investigar un poco mas a fondo. Despues de leer un poco aca, un poco alla, me entero de lo siguiente:

Al contrario de lo que pense, las relaciones sexuales no estan prohibidas, aunque si reservadas casi exclusivamente para la procreacion.

Esta regla es muy facil de ignorar, dado que se puede alegar la busqueda infructuosa de ese nuevo militante para engrosar las filas del movimiento y de esa forma; garantizar la existencia infinita de grupos danzantes en aeropuertos, terminals de autobuses, estaciones de tren, etc, etc..

Despues de digerir el desencanto de no haber sido monje debido a mi falta de informacion pense:
“ Al menos no tengo que ir por la vida envuelto en una sabana. Ellos, desgraciados que no informan al publico de los verdaderos requisitos para unirse a tan prestigiosa sociedad, no pueden llevar nada mas que esa sabana y, quizas unos platitos metalicos para hacer un poquito de ruido mientras bailan”.

Justo eso es lo que pensaba hasta ese dia pero el destino, habia planeado reirse de mi una vez mas.

caminando por las tiendas en el aeropuerto Narita de Tokyo un 7 de junio del 2008, tratando de matar el tiempo y, hacerle honor a mi espiritu capitalista, mientras llega la hora de que volvamos a casa, veo esto..

Este no parece ser Hare Krishna pero en mi libro todos son lo mismo, unos insensibles.

The Luca Dictionary.

These are some of the terms Lucas uses to call things and people.
Ketchup = Wok.
Sunglasses = Que guapos.
Soda = Dada.
Hat = Musica.
Cheese = Hungry.
Popsicle = Maleta.
Skarloey(from Thomas and friends) = Cocoli.
Volkswagen= Let's go.
Target = HBO.
Red = James.
Grandpa = Chicho.
Play-Doh = Tayo tayo.
Our neighbours:
Heather = Gina.(I think this comes from his Elmo potty training video)
Michael = Trevor.
So if you run into him, you'll have a slight idea of what he's saying.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Madness at Luca manor.

Lucas' friend and neighbour Maddox (whom The Luca insists on calling Baby or Max) was over the other day, and for a while our place was given an extra dose of what little kids are experts at providing you with, and which is one of the many reasons why I'm happy Luca decided to come along for the ride. Lots of noise!.

I can still hear the sheep and the Goats.

The title will only make sense to the initiated, Baaaaa!.

Beach boys monument.
Hawthorne, CA.

Note to self.

The K was dropped yesterday.

I have Him figured out..



It seems like Luca gets a train twice a week, one on Sunday (sometimes Saturday) and one on Friday.
He takes the one on Sunday in exchange for the unspoken promise of not running away the following week, The one on Friday comes as payment for having kept that promise.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A candy bar, a falling star, or a reading of Doctor Seuss.

I've listened to this song about 60 times in the last 2 days.

Discover R.E.M.!

R.E.M - The sidewinder sleeps tonite.
I have always liked it a whole lot but this time it's getting out of hand.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Mommy said this song always reminded her of you.

Discover Hombres G!

Hombres G - Marta tiene un marcapasos.

Even though she doesn't have a clue what the guy's talking about.
To tell you the truth, even I don't completely get what He really means and, I speak the language ha ha ha!.

Aren't We lucky Luca?

Discover David Bowie!

Bowie - Boys keep swinging.

And yes, Boys always work it out.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Playlist for you.

Luca, this is a list of movies you have to watch later on as you get older, I'm sure I'll take care of most of them but if I don't, make sure you find them on your own.
These are not all of them, I will add more as my memory stumbles upon them.

Other than #1 you don't have to watch them in any particular order.

#1- Krull. (1983)
It is very Important not to watch this in the company of girls for this is not a chick movie. When you make that mistake they usually laugh at you and think you're a geek.
Watch this one exclusively accompanied by men

#2- The Princess Bride. (1987)
Girls usually think you're sweet if you invite them to watch this one, so no warning here.

#3- Scarface (1983)
Very macho. You'll be a hit with the ladies, and they'll know right away You mean business.
Besides, Mommy can dance like Michelle Pfeiffer.(She had me in the bag as soon as she pulled that trick on me)

#4- Cinema Paradiso. (1988)
Another good one for girl networking.

#5- The Red Balloon. (1953)
So you'll remember what it is to be able to dream wide awake.

5- Trainspotting. (1996)
If You ever meet someone who tells you this:
"Trainspotting is like my favorite movie ever!!!!" and means it. Ask her to be your girlfriend.

That's it for today, however, I'm by no means done.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Besides talking about himself in the third person, Lucas has always called things strange names. Take ketchup for instance, in the Luca world, it's called "Wok".
Well, there are train tracks at the end of our block(note for the older Luca: You live(d) on the good side of the tracks.)with grassy areas which makes it look and feel like a park. He loves going there mainly because there are lots of little rocks but most of all; lots of dirt!
This area allows him to practice 2 of his favorite sports.
#1- Throwing rocks, He calls this Happily.(hence the tittle)
#2- Kicking Dirt.
Someday I will compile the "Luca to English, sometimes to Spanish Dictionary"And post it here.
That way, when he's older I'll still remember all the things my boy used to say which made me so happy and, I know I will have my little boy with me all over again.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Take your son to work day?

It's always fun to have you visit, even though all you want to do is eat the candy.

Ports O' Call

He defies the rules.

I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again

I'm the ragged boy who races with the wind..

You know He wrote this song for you on my behalf right?

Discover David Bowie!

Way before our time.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Mi caballo por unos dias aca.

Con los dos de la derecha se puede tener 16 anios otra vez.


Es una lastima que no puedan mejorar el sabor.

Me aplaudo por unos cuantos.