Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gira Ranchera.

Feb. 22, 1932 - Aug. 25, 2009.
So long Teddy, You were the best.

Monday, August 24, 2009

He's just like a small version of his papå.

(Don't know what happened to it but I have a picture where I'm doing this exact same thing, I have witnesses.)


At tleast the fish tacos were good.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Blog feeds.

Leer blogs esta acabando con mi productividad laboral(Tampoco es que tenga tantas ganas).
Lo cierto es que me divierto mas que enano de pelicula mexicana en los 50's.
Aca, para su deleite, una muestra.
Carteles vistos por un señor que se llama Walter y que usa anteojos pero que justo en ese momento no los tenía puestos, sino en la guantera.



Un día como hoy pero hace 69 años, Juan Carlos Vitullo llegó a Estocolmo con cuatro pesos, y se enteró que la moneda era otra. No hizo fortuna y se hizo linyera* para siempre.

EL Fiakir es un tipo que practica la fiaca** extrema. Un número uno de la fiaca. No hay con que moverlo ni estimularlo, le chupa todo mucho un huevo.

Cosas que se ven en la tele.
Tenis entre dos androides. Hace más de dos horas que juegan y no sudan.
Propaganda de programa sobre ricos del mundo. Hay champagne, masajes profesionales, paredes con vidrio y señoritas en bikini. Todas doctoradas en filología.
Película con niño prodigio que toca el clarinete. Tiene rasgos de enano.
-Lluvia de interferencia sin señal.
-Lluvia de interferencia sin señal.
-Lluvia de interferencia sin señal.
-Lluvia de interferencia sin señal.
-Lluvia de interferencia sin señal
Una propaganda que dice: Manda VERGA al 2020 y enterate de lo que es bueno.

Tomado de aca.

*Indigente, Homeless, etc.
**Pereza, Hueva, Etc.

Please do yourself a favor..

Go and read this.
Don't drink anything as you read.l

Classic Rock Fridays.

Although I had heard music by this band previously, I had never heard this one before.
I came upon it via an "Adult activities video"*.

Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep - Middle of the Road
*Commonly known as Porn.

It's just not real!!

I honestly think this freaks me out.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Coffee Time!

Notice how He's having a lollipop with His Cafe.

I did cut His hair by the way.

This is the day I decided Luca needed a haircut.

Very well behaved boy.
Never mind.

It was a hot Sunday, as you can see He's about to take His shirt off.
Satisfied look once the shirt is gone.

I'm surprised no one has called the cops to find out what that kid's doing out there by himself.
He did not find anything He'd like at Citadel so off to get some Coffee, that's where He shines. Ha!