Sunday, December 13, 2009

This town makes me happy.

I haven't followed skateboarding in a long time and don't know wheter Paul Rodriguez Jr. is good, bad or just Paul Rodriguez Jr.
Also, I have hated Nike as a brand for a long time now(They're turning kids into slaves just to make cheaper sneakers.
But hat's the real cost?
'Cause the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper.
Why are we still paying so much for sneakers
When you got them made by little slave kids
What are your overheads?
Flight of the Conchords hahahahaha)
But this is a freaking awesome video!
It's so L.A.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This town is completely insane!!!

Now, somebody had the greatest idea(in their head) of offering the "L.A. Gang Tour".
Note here
I wonder if this "tour" includes drinking some malt liquor outside a mini market or liquor store for more "authenticity".
Ah L.A. you're so crazy!

I belong to the church of CCR.

Last night, Luca and I had one of those great Daddy/Son moments thanks to Creedence and; this song...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Even white boys got to shout!

This is just another one of those little tricks our system has to make sure there's always a never ending supply of working class citizens.
Higher education for a little while became something even first generation immigrants(I'm referring to people born in "third world countries here") were able to aspire to, and that folks, is a no-no.
It's not racism, it's classism.
Picture and article @ Loteria Chicana

Monday, November 16, 2009

El ateneo Bookstore, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

This used to be a movie theatre, what you see in the background and used to be where the screen was, is now a Coffee shop.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Zapata tales.

I got these lines from his blog, it gives you the synopsis of how He ended up in some small town in Mexico .

Down Mejico Way
After 55 years of toil and trouble, a tall American boy flew south solo with the clothes on his back and two suitcases, knowing no one and speaking no Spanish . . .

. . . to the world of lovely women, impossible men, tortillas, burros, illogic and lies. Now he´s dancing the rest of his days away . . . .

. . . and speaking Spanish every day with the beautiful Mexican girl he married.

And so goes destiny.

Shame on you L.A's finest!

Who's going to protect us from evildoers now?
I always knew all those reports about Police chief Bratton doing such a great job were a bunch of lies.
This my friends, is the only thing LAPD is good at.
I can only hope they don't locate el Chapulin Colorado because if they do, We won't have to wait for 2012 to see the end and, I still want to go back to Bs As.
I hope spidey is able to swing His way out of this one.
NBC's story here.

Classic Rock Fridays.

Liza Jane - David Bowie

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Buenos Aires.

Shot from Plaza De Mayo.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Berlin 1961.

Shot by Peter Leibing this picture shows East German soldier Hans Conrad Schumman escaping into West Germany by jumping over what was to become "The Berlin Wall".

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Luca, international wedding guest.

The only thing that caught his fancy was the little fountain in the church's courtyard.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

September fog.

Somewhere in the O.C.
At Gonzalez Manor.


According to Luca not the happiest place on earth.

Soap Box Car Races.

D Town, L.A. Sept. '09.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Halloween '09

Don't know if He got any candy because I was kinda out of it but no one has ever played The Batman better than Lucas.

We would like to thank lamama first and foremost for the outstanding "craftswomanship"(otherwise women get all up in arms because they feel discriminated upon) on the 50% of the costume she didn't purchase.
Good Job!!!!

Classic Rock Fridays.

Simply sublime.

Rising - Lhasa De Sela