Friday, October 31, 2008

classic Rock Fridays.

Discover Marisol!

Marisol - "Corazon Contento"
No pude encontrar a Palito, pero esta, es tan buena como la suya.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Five young kids crash the idiots party.

Fine example of massive hysteria brought about by the backers of proposition 8 which in short, denies Gay couples the right to have their marriage recognized by the laws of the state of California.
Besides bombarding you with Television ads, apparently they also leave the safety of their homes without any apprehensions and show their aesthetically correct selves.
A crowd of about 200 of these creatures invaded the corners of Hawthorne and El Segundo Blvds. this past Saturday, just to have their thunder stolen by five very brave kids.
After evaluating the situation(The Yes and the No advocates) I came to the conclusion that, I would rather marry any one of the kids against the measure as long as they're 18 and La mama doesn't object.

Who in their right mind would ever marry any of these clowns????

These are the ones I would rather marry.Keep it up kids.

Day of the Dead 2008.

Once again, if You happen to live or be in L.A. on Saturday Nov. 1st.
Join us for the best Dia de los muertos celebration this side of the Border at Hollywood Forever Cemetery.
We'll be the ones with the beautiful Boy and a Camera.
More info at:

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Point Vicente, Palos Verdes.

Lucas likes to go to this place because it has three of His favorite things: Dirt, Rocks and, Water.
He can spend hours throwing Rocks into the Water, and it's always really hard to get Him out of there when it's time to go back home.
This time however, all We had to do was ask Him if He wanted to go to HBO (Target) and He was the first one walking up the cliff.
This shall come in handy next time.

Santa Barbara Mission.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Classic Rock Fridays.

Out of one of my favorite movies of all time.
Phantom Of The Paradise.

Discover Bill Finley!

William Finley - Phantom Of The Paradise Soundtrack.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Carrie at the Cemetery or Walking with Zombies?, Hmmm.

Brian de Palma’s “CARRIE” ~ Hollywood Forever Cemetery ~ Sat. Oct. 25th

directed by brian de palma (1976, 98 mins)
courtesy mgm home entertainment

new time!!!
gates at 5:30pm. Film at 7:00pm.
$10 donation tickets available at gate. parking $5.

hollywood forever cemetery
6000 santa monica boulevard at gower
no reservation necessary.
Sophisticated and terrifying, Carrie is one of our favorite horror movies ever! DePalma’s direction, Spacek’s fantastic performance and some great 70s cheese make this one of the scariest and most fun films in the canon. The humiliation of high school reaches its peak with the taunting of oddball student Carrie, who’s telekinetic powers allow her to exact a hair-raising revenge. The cast is top notch, including John Travolta, Karen Allen and PJ Soles with an unforgettable performance by Piper Laurie as the fanatical mom. Join us under the stars for this one-night-only screening of DePalma’s masterpiece.

For more information go to

P.S. Review shamelessly stolen from L.A Taco
I don't write that well.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lucas is back.

He says hello.
He also says He doesn't like His hat.

robbie Conal's 25 year retrospective pt 3 plus other random stuff.

Palin is Cheney lite.
Self explanatory(Not Conal's)

robbie Conal's 25 year retrospective pt 2.

Robbie Conal's 25 year retrospective pt 1.

We attended last night's opening reception for Conal's latest exhibit entitled "No spitting, No kidding" at Track 16 Gallery in Bergamot station.
As expected, the place was filled with the usual crowd including, a homeless guy.
Even though not everyone will recognize His name, I will bet you have seen His work plastered everywhere around L.A.
I had never been to one of His shows so it was nice to finally "meet" the pieces.
Ozomatli was in charge of the entertainment and although We left before they started playing, We got to hang out and talk with some of them for -This is a little known fact- La Mama knows a lot of famous people and She went to school with some of the band members.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bowling For Boobies.

Bowling for boobies is a fundraiser event organized by Busted Foundation an organization involved in helping out women affected by Breast Cancer.
Well, La mama(The same person who brought to you "Lucas Pirate Boy") designed the logos for both the foundation and this year's Bowling for Bobbies happening.

Here's a picture of some pseudo famous girl at the event with the logos behind her.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Griffith Park.

Land of the free eh?

One of the problems with this country of us is the "Out of bounds policy".
Perfect example of this and how it turns the word Freedom into an obsolete idea is the following:
Yesterday We decided to take the Luca for a train ride instead of the usual, and boring driving outing so We did without having a specific idea of where to go.
Along the way a destination was agreed upon.
Enter the California Science Center at Exposition Park.
USC was playing and I was appalled when I learned that some idiots pay $60 for parking to watch the stupid game.-Nothing seems more of a waste of time to me than "American Football"-

Anyhow, We go into the Science Center Luca didn't feel like going up. So we just ate at McDonald's and bought Him an overpriced toy car.
We got out and onto the Rose Garden area. Here's where it all happened.
I'm just walking around throwing this little foam plane I had gotten at the store inside.
The Garden has a fountain in the middle of it and Lucas and La Mama are sitting on the edge of it when this Rent-A-Cop (For those who don't know this term: this specimen is a security guard you can hire for about 2 bucks an hour)approaches them,
Points at one of the benches and tells Her:
See that bench over there?
Go and sit Him there.

I saw them from where I was, got closer and She told me what the asshole had said so I go what the fuck?
Make my way to Him and say.
You sir, need to get some training on how to talk to people properly.
Guy gets all bent outta shape about this and tries to argue with me but I ignore Him.
This gets Him even more offended apparently but I keep walking away from Him after realizing I'm not going to turn around and pay attention to His douche bag ass He starts saying stuff like: Who are you?, Fuck you and all kinds of lame stuff.
All I say is, I've said my peace, that's it. I never once looked back.

In my book, crap like this defeats any argument about freedom of anything in this country.
If you're not free to sit anywhere you like in a public park, what can you do?

This is where it happened.

This is the fine"officer" doing His fine job.

El decalogo del desarrollo (Segun Macchiavelo)

Plagiado descaradamente de:Ciudad Somnolienta.
(Ellos lo plagiaron de alguien mas. Estamos a mano.)

Todos olvidan los buenos ratos y los buenos tratos en cuanto encuentran un mejor lo que sea. Por eso pensar en el de al lado es perder tiempo que puedes haber usado hasta en comerte las uñas. Nunca pierdas el tiempo.

Solo importas tú y la gente en realidad no quiere compartir.
Nadie piensa en ti porque tu no debes de pensar en nadie.
El egoísmo y la avaricia es lo que te saca adelante.

Eres desechable, aburrido y odioso para muchísima gente y no importa.
Si puedes estar solo sin volverte loco hazlo.
Al final de una manera u otra siempre lo estamos.

La indecisión esta a la orden del día.
Hablar es fácil.
En el fondo todos somos unos charlatanes.

Romantizar la honestidad es estúpido.
La verdad existe solo en teoría.
La subjetivida, vendría a ser la correcta expresión sustantivo.

Traicionar es conveniente cuando hay muchos beneficios y pocos testigos.
Así que busca para todo lo que puede ser gratis, regatea lo barato y hazlo bien.
Siempre puedes tener más.

Es tu deber ser paranoico.
Precavido vale por dos.
Por eso cela con odio todo lo que tengas porque hay alguien que te quiere robar hasta la sonrisa.

Ser insensible y práctico a la vez es una excelente virtud.
Si no te daña no interesa.
Si lo puedes arreglar nunca paso.

La ciencia de ayer es el esoterismo del mañana.
Todo lo que definas como el ahora es sujeto a cambio en el después.
Duda hasta el perfecto absoluto del cero más uno y así minimizaras errores.

La vida es un juego constante en donde empatar es ser mediocre y perder es sinónimo de debilidad. Por eso trata de ganar en todo momento y a como de lugar.
Ya que nada te hará sentir más feliz que vencer en todo y ganarle a todos, nada.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Classic Rock Fridays.

Discover Leonard Cohen!

Leonard Cohen - "Lover Lover Lover"

Thursday, October 9, 2008

It's a beautiful day, along the KOST.

The weather is just perfect today. I hope it stays like this through the weekend so I can spend it with my midgets.
P.S. I would dedicate a song but it's not friday.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sunday afternoon at the park.

Tried to get Luca tired by taking Him to the park.
It didn't work.
It never does.